According to the 2022 Solar Generation Index, Underperformance is an Ongoing Issue for U.S. Solar Energy Projects Larger Than 1 MW
SAN FRANCISCO – February 9, 2023 (Updated July 31, 2023) – Based on the most comprehensive data set on the performance of U.S. solar energy assets, ForeFront Power’s U.S. solar energy asset management portfolio is performing 7% above the nationwide industry average. ForeFront Power’s Asset Management subsidiary helps commercial and industrial solar producers carefully balance costs with production, maximizing both energy output and financial results.
The 2022 Solar Generation Index reports that in 2021, U.S. solar energy projects larger than 1 MW performed at 92% to Weather Adjusted (WA) P50, which is the weather-adjusted probability that a solar asset is at least 50% likely to achieve the minimum estimate for its performance. Meanwhile the U.S.-based solar assets managed by ForeFront Power ranging in size from 60 kW to 5 MW performed at 99% WA P50 within the past 12 months.
Produced by kWh Analytics, the 2022 Solar Generation Index assesses 10 years of operational data from 500 U.S. solar energy projects larger than 1 MW. According to the report, the performance of these assets ranges from 5-10% below their initial WA P50 estimates. The report indicates that underperformance is an ongoing issue that affects solar projects regardless of capacity, region and mount type.
“The Solar Generation Index is a reminder that comprehensive energy asset management is integral to the clean energy future,” said Yumi Furukawa, interim CEO of ForeFront Power. “With the strong performance of ForeFront Power’s operating portfolio, we are pleased to also provide comprehensive diagnostic, monitoring and operational expertise on third party-owned projects, balancing both project yields and financial savings as we would for our own assets.”
Beyond optimizing system performance and attending to routine operations and maintenance issues, ForeFront Power helps project owners and investors track and leverage public incentives, conduct ongoing energy consumption assessments and participate in sustainability reporting.
Case Study: Los Altos School District, California

Los Altos School District (LASD) is a top-rated school district in California, operating seven elementary and two junior high schools. As part of the district’s broader efforts to go zero net energy, LASD tapped ForeFront Power, a leading North American developer of solar and energy storage solutions, to develop a 1.4 MW solar energy portfolio comprising nine projects across LASD school campuses.
A third-party vendor was responsible for managing the District’s solar energy portfolio in its first year of operation. Recognizing inefficiencies in system performance, ForeFront Power took the asset management in-house in 2020, delivering remote diagnostics, monitoring and financial reporting.
By the end of 2021, LASD and ForeFront Power were able to drastically decrease the solar portfolio’s maintenance events (known as “truck rolls”) compared to the period of time under the previous vendor’s management. All project sites receive annual inspections involving checking and tuning all equipment, resulting in only two production-impacting maintenance events in 2021 – a reduction of 90% in just 2 years. To date, the portfolio has achieved an average performance ratio of 103.9% of the contracted production guarantee (101% of the WA P50), in large part due to updated panel cleaning procedures resulting in cleaner panels than originally modeled.
Benefiting from ForeFront Power’s ongoing asset management, the 1.4 MW solar portfolio has already helped LASD save nearly $1.4 million in 4 years and is expected to save nearly $3 million in 10 years of operation.
“The cost savings are crucial and a great benefit for our students and teachers,” said Randy Kenyon, LASD Chief Business Official.
In addition to the financial benefits, the solar portfolio is helping LASD avoid the emission of 1,754 tons of CO2 annually. This is equivalent to avoiding the annual CO2 output of 336 cars on local roads, which is a net positive for the region’s air quality. By significantly reducing District energy costs, the solar portfolio is also redirecting school funds to classrooms, teachers and educational programs for students.
LASD’s solar project was named a 2022 “Project of Year” by Environment + Energy Leader.
Including the LASD portfolio, ForeFront Power’s California-based solar assets ranging in size from 60 kW to 2 MW performed at 99% WA P50 in 2022.
Case Study: City of Ames, Iowa
In response to overwhelming community feedback, the City of Ames set out to develop SunSmart Ames, the City’s first community solar project. This project allows any municipal electric customer unable to install solar panels on their own property to opt for locally generated solar energy by purchasing shares of the facility’s production, called “Power Packs.”
Ames City Council selected ForeFront Power to develop and operate the community solar project. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, SunSmart Ames was constructed and completed in 2020, representing 2 MW of solar energy dedicated to the local Ames community, including the Iowa State University campus. Each Power Pack represents 175 W of generating capacity and entitles customers to a monthly bill credit for 20 years, through a one-time investment of $300. Ames Electric customers who bought Power Packs received their first utility bill credits in February 2021.
ForeFront Power’s Asset Management team has since helped the City of Ames maintain its community solar project at a lifetime performance ratio of 108% of the contracted guarantee (and 95% of the WA P50). Over the next 20 years, the SunSmart community solar program is expected to produce enough electricity to power 440 Ames homes each year, offset 113 million gas-powered car miles, and reduce the city’s CO2 emissions by about 57,000 tons.
The City of Ames’ community solar project was named a 2021 “Project of Year” by Environment + Energy Leader.
ForeFront Power Asset Management at a Glance
In-House Asset Management: ForeFront Power has an in-house asset management team ready to provide proactive monitoring, reporting and partnership oversight for current and future solar portfolios.
Market Experience: ForeFront Power is a developer, owner and operator of solar, storage and electric vehicle fleet assets in the U.S. and Mexico. With active experience in every stage of the project lifecycle, the company brings resources, insight and best practices that are unavailable from other asset managers.
Performance Guarantee: ForeFront Power can offer performance guarantees.
Compliance Accountability: ForeFront Power offers hands-on and practiced expertise in tracking compliance obligations across complex and multi-party financing agreements, across debt (working capital and back leverage), equity and tax equity counterparties.
Partnership Support: ForeFront Power will hold its customers’ third-party partnerships accountable with diligent O&M management and detailed financial reporting.
Flexible Terms: ForeFront Power’s asset management solutions are customizable and the company works with customers to build the solutions that best fit the needs of their portfolios.
Customizable Solutions: ForeFront Power is technology-agnostic and will build an asset management program for the customer’s portfolio that supports the individual needs of each solar asset.
Asset-Owner’s Perspective: ForeFront Power’s expertise extends beyond just knowing asset management to include experience managing every stage of the project lifecycle. Through this experience the company has developed unique best-practices to strike an optimized balance between financial savings and system performance.
About ForeFront Power Asset Management
ForeFront Power Asset Management is a leading U.S. provider of solar and energy storage asset management services with an exclusive focus on maximizing value on commercial and industrial (C&I) scale and community solar projects. Leveraging expertise gained from 160 MW across more than 200 projects and renewable energy credits (RECs) – either self-owned or third party-owned – ForeFront Power Asset Management delivers services for third-party owned assets, including community solar and behind-the-meter assets providing electricity for corporate, education, government and healthcare electricity consumers. Industry-leading production guarantees, top-notch customer service and holistic value to investors, owners and electricity consumers define the ForeFront Power Asset Management way. For more information, visit
About ForeFront Power
ForeFront Power is a leading developer of commercial and industrial-scale (C&I) solar energy, battery storage and vehicle fleet electrification projects in the U.S. and Mexico. Over 15 years of working together, the ForeFront Power team has developed more than 1,500 behind-the-meter and community solar projects, totaling more than 1.1 gigawatt-DC of renewable electricity. ForeFront Power serves business, government, education, healthcare and community solar customers with a broad array of development, asset management and advisory services from its San Francisco headquarters and via teams based in New York, Mexico City and across the U.S. through a hybrid work model. For more information, visit
A wholly owned subsidiary of global energy infrastructure and investment leader Mitsui & Co. Ltd., ForeFront Power operates under Mitsui’s North American investment arm, MyPower Corp. Mitsui holds a robust balance sheet and an “A” credit rating from Standard & Poor’s. For more information, visit and
Press Contacts
James Cortese
Gryphon Agency for ForeFront Power
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